Luxury corporate or private jet take off. Business aviation, transportation concept

A focus-mode has been created to assist operational boat/air staff regularly checking in large numbers of passengers in a noisy environment.

The intent is to highlight only relevant information for the type of trip and minimize key-strokes.

Suggestions for further improvements in comments by operational staff are welcome.

Figure 1: Find focus-mode here:

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Check-in Keyboard Focus-Mode 6

Figure 2: Tab through the fields, enter to set, down arrow for drop-downs, space bar for toggle on/off

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Check-in Keyboard Focus-Mode 7

Operational staff can individually choose which fields they want to see and the order in which they want to see the fields.

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Check-in Keyboard Focus-Mode 8

Whether some fields are available to checkin is chosen when creating a flight e.g. boats may not care about weight or seatnumber.

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Check-in Keyboard Focus-Mode 9

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